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Print ‘s not dead. But very soon.

Berlin, February 2019

A few days ago, another announcent of changes within the journalistic publishing sector in Germany has hit the news and one slowly gets prepared to the disappearance of print media. So the big question is how to survive in the future if all i have learned and practiced was working in traditional media?

Every day i keep watching the progression on the construction site of the new Axel Springer Campus , designed by the architect team of Rem Koolhaas. It is the beginning of an era with exclusively digital content. I must confess to be a digital consumer myself and to have stopped subscriptions of various magazines having read slowly on the loo, train rides or flights. 

Nevertheless , changes are for good and we need to get our act together. The huge amount of daily digital mass of information just needs to be more carefully selected instead of devouring it all. Now, how do we select? First of all choose a newsletter you like that preselects for you already, fishing the most interesting silent and loud stories or features within the news of the world. The actuality is covered anyway by every single media and impossible not to read about. I really like the german community of independent journalists called Krautreporter sending daily newsletters both with their own created stories and the best on actuality within international media. Further on i receive a PDF document of the weekly New York Times magazine , plus newsletters of my favourite german daily and weekly newspapers in addition to the apps on the phone. I stopped scrolling through Facebook and follow my content of interest at Twitter. In fact , there i found some other Parkinson‘s like me with another approach than the usual depressing one. So that is it. No more time for print media, damn it!