Mother’s Finest

Rio, December 2019


The twin boys are two and a half now. They rock. And roll. And are the best to be with. But it is so tiring and absolutely challenging to deal with as a single working mom. Normally, the Nanny takes care of them during working hours five days a week. But it is her month off , therefore i have the pleasure to overtake this role.

They are starting to talk trilingual. Portuguese with the father’s family, spanish with the peruvian nanny and german with us. It is so exciting to see how they welcome every day as a new excitement and how fast they learn new words , repeating everything you say. They even know how to read letters and distinguish colours and forms. I am such a proud auntie. Though running behind them all day long when they pee in their pants as no dypers wanted anymore, or cleaning off their twin boy desaster games, washing dishes after feeding etc.

Unfortunately they don’t like my food. I am a horrible cook anyway , but even simple things i thought would be easy to make tasty. No way, they are used to good tasty healthy food. And so my sister has to prepare every evening next day‘s food for them.

She is my hero. When coming home from work, all her attention goes to the boys while i lay on the sofa, tired after and action filled day. I think about the underrated mother role in the old days when the husband came home from work and lifted up the feet on the couch to open a beer. The mother had to do absolutely everything cause she was just a house wife taking care of the kids. What a nightmare of injustice.

We go on playing games with them. Exhausted and happy , we cuddle and kiss them into their beds after reading a german good night story.

My sister and i allow us to drink a bottle of white wine on the balcony , enjoying time for us. We end up opening another one. But we would only do that once because next day‘s pill is very hard to swallow. Hang over is so much worse with kids than in the office. Guggi had an important event to assist next day though, and the boys have a bad day too as fighting , wining and screaming all day. It seemed as they wanted to share solidarity with my hang over mood.