In the Land of Beauty and Violence

Rio de Janeiro, June 2019


Had a lip job done today. Just tattooing the outlines and a bit of shades on my so pale and nonexistent german lips is an experiment. Had gone to the gym this morning and observed the elder Ladies chatting at the muscle pump machines. Unfortunately i cant distinguish them one from another as they all look the same with their hair extensions, puffed up faces and new boobs . Not to forget the make-up in tone with the outfit in pink, baby blue or emerald green. The Gays look amazingly good and quite full of themselves. A well-toned body is everything here. 

But i must say, everyone looks spotless and fresh strolling down the streets, no matter what age or social background one is coming from. On any sunday you would see people surfing, skating, running or just walking along the beach promenade and lane on Ipanema and Copacabana strip that is closed to traffic until sunset. One also finds a huge amount of obsessive people moving in slow motion. Worst situation is with cashiers at the grocery store where every item is turned around at least ten times before finding the code to type in by hand if necessary. It drives me bananas. On the other hand, if i compare to Berlin‘s passengers in the metro, some people look like an old toothbrush used for cleaning shoes. Beauty does not seem to be something to be taken care of on outter but only inner value. 

Violence is omnipresent and you never know what is waiting for you around the corner, underneath a cobble stone or behind a tree. Best thing is not to carry along nothing but a credit card and some money to give away in case of assault. I feel fortunate not to have been robbed yet though. Last time i got too close Favela area , was hiking up the Corcovado jungle but i chose a very rainy day and the criminals were too lazy to step out of their comfort zone. I do like visiting my friends living in Santa Teresa up north the city, which is a fairly dangerous hood to walk along alone and never ever at night time. But its cheap, funky and alternative to live in. Beautiful views on the terraces of the run down colonial buildings onto the south zone are worth it. You can listen to the funk carioca sessions or watch the parrots passing by,  fleeing from a nearby gunfight.

I became friends with special elite forces from the federal police who proudly use the Austrian Glock since half a year , explaining their operational methods by showing me GoPro films from recent incidents. Such dangerous profession this is. Pure Adrenalin Junkies with a big responsibility for each other and their citizens. You can only work until maximum end thirties , just like the football players, if you survive until then. As far as i am concerned , it is a little percentage of the military police to carry the attribute of being corrupt and working hand in hand with local drug lords. Anyway, i shut my mouth and listen to everything they say and make up my own mind. 

Vai com Deus