Finally, it happened…
Empordá / Catalunya, April 2023
It‘s been over six weeks since my last blog post and many things occurred since.
First of all, I was not aware until now, how miserable I felt because of the ongoing deterioration and decreasing of my mobility radius. I spent three weeks in Berlin doing errants, meeting various doctors to find out about an alarming blood test result with all kinds of anemia which caused this constant fatigue, lack of power, lack of balance and danger of falling. B12, Iron and D3 was given in highly concentrated doses, one of them dripping for an hour slowly into my vain.
One of the other medical visits was more than overdue : my neurologist. I dragged myself into his clinic to talk about a proper start of medical treatment, as my tentative tries in the past were not successful and given up soon, thanks to heavy nausea and insomnia. I was then confronted with probabilities of other important side effects but what the hell! I wanna be able to move again without pain and such high restriction. Desperately seeking for smoothness in my body! So fucking tired of stiffness, of hip and back pain. This is the reason why I spent far too much time laying around and doing only one efficient thing: working on two laptops for a newspaper, a news magazine and a corporate publishing agency.
It took a while for the medication to start doing its effect, as I augmented the dosing very slowly week by week. And then, finally it happened! My mood changed, I started feeling a little normal again. No, actually like reborn! Such a relief to be normal. Being able to walk from A to B, or using my left hand for making tea in the morning. Still limping but not as much, hip is rotating smoother and back pain is gone.
Meanwhile, I had returned to Formentera and left again for a weekender to attend my best friend Tamsin’s birthday party in the country house nearby Girona. Tamsin took me on her morning run routine, me on a bicycle beside her, she on the run. It did so good to pedal up and down the hills, in this stunning country side during spring time. Red poppy fields, stone oak forests and a shining blue sky brings so much happiness! Tamsin‘s daughters played football in the garden with the kids of other invited friends and we jumped in the pool or chilled in the sun. What a life! Everything is better with a functioning body.
Please take care of your body as much as you can and never take health for granted. Wishing you a wonderful spring. Enjoy!